Monday, April 13, 2015

Can A Registered Dietitian Help Me With My Weight?

One of the jobs of a Registered Dietitian is to assess people for their ideal, or healthy, body weight. When a person is very overweight or very underweight, their health can easily be compromised. The Registered Dietitian can determine how overweight or underweight a person is, and also do some sleuthing to find out the source of the problem. 

People may be overweight for a variety of reasons: They may be retaining fluid, or eating too many calories; they might not know how to cook, or realize what a reasonable portion size is. Being overweight, or obese, makes a person more likely to have heart disease, diabetes, and even some types of cancer.

On the flip side, someone can be underweight for a number of reasons, too. They may not have an appetite, or feel sick when they eat. They may eat plenty of food but have trouble with digestion or absorption of some nutrients. Or they may have an illness that is causing them to burn more calories than they can possibly eat.

The Registered Dietitian helps determine what is causing the weight imbalance, then helps the person figure out what their next step is to achieve a healthy body weight.

If this sounds like a job you would be interested in, check out our dietetics program at Keiser University and find out more!

1 comment:

  1. I love the seasonal fruit and vegetable links below! Mamey Sapote? That is a new one on me!


Do you have questions about becoming an RD? We'll answer them in the next blog post!